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Round 3 – The Driver’s Seat

Name: Isana Matthews
From: Millersville, Maryland
Votes: 0

The Driver’s Seat

Isana Mattthews

The Driver’s Seat

Drivers education is an important class that needs to be taken before obtaining one’s license because it shows the student how to maneuver the vehicle in all situations. It gives the students confidence while on the road making them comfortable because they are aware of what to do in all circumstances. Around 38,000 people lost their lives to driving and traffic related incidents in 2019 according to the National Safety Council. Although this is a 2% decrease from 2018, too many people are injured and killed due to reckless driving. Whether it be driving under the influence, texting while driving or just not being attentive while on the road, many lives are lost. Driver’s education allows the student to practice safety while driving. It teaches them to always check your mirrors, know where all the controls are within your vehicle and keep a safe distance between cars as well as look before you move. The class teaches students about the different road signs and stop lights which is very important to know before stepping out on the road. Without drivers education no one would know the rules of the road or how to operate on it. It is important for students and everyone to know how to practice safe driving in order to protect lives.

There are very simple steps that can be taken to reduce the number of driving related deaths. The most important steps are to not drive while distracted or under the influence, obey the speed limit and wear your seatbelt. Putting on your seatbelt is the first and safest step you can take before you begin driving. In the event of a car crash your seatbelt will protect you and prevent the driver from flying out of the car. Distracted driving takes your attention away from the road putting yourself and others in harm’s way. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol delays your reaction time meaning that if there is an incident, you would not be able to react as quickly as you would if you were sober. Driving the speed limit, as challenging as it is, is also important in protecting lives. The faster you drive, the less reaction time you have to prevent a crash or even hitting someone. Another small step that can be taken is to always use your blinker when turning or merging. Using your blinker will notify the people in front and behind you the direction in which you intend to move. Using your blinker when merging will help avoid collisions with other cars. I personally have not experienced a car crash but have seen many of them in my life. Oftentimes I see my friends and parents text while driving or even take calls but I tell them to wait until we stop or have me reply to the messages. Steps that I can take to be a safer driver is to go the speed limit and pay more attention when merging. This will beep my life and the lives of others safe.

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