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Round 3 – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Rachel Rice
From: Kansas City, MO
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

Driver education is important because driving is very dangerous and people need to understand what actions they can take to make driving safer. Most people have all kinds of driving influences, not all of them good. People have a lot of bad influences in their lives of friends or family who drive irresponsibility. Driver education is important so that people have a good model of what responsible, safe driving looks like.

Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are buckling your seat belt, turning the music down to a level where you can hear well, not looking on your phone or texting while driving, watching the roads and mirrors intently, not making rash and reckless moves on the road, being educated on all the rules and laws of the road, and finally: not speeding.

I personally was rear ended by someone who was picking something up from the floor board of their car. It resulted in a head injury for me that still bothers me to this day. I have seen a car accident happen right in front of me where a car was struck and flipped over. It was very scary and intense. One driver wasn’t looking and turned into the other car. It didn’t feel like the cars were driving that quickly, but the amount of power was still enough to flip the car.

Steps I can take to be a better and safer driver are: not text and drive, stay focused while driving, and obey the laws and know the rules of the road. Also, as a passenger I can remind the driver that driving can be dangerous, hold them accountable to not text and drive, and encourage the passenger seat person be the one who navigates so the driver does not have to look at their phone.