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Round 3 – The Key to Safe Driving

Name: Ava Smith
From: Kingston, Pennsylvania
Votes: 5

The Key to Safe Driving

Being a safe driver is important, and sometimes it can be difficult because of inadequate knowledge, distractions, and an agitated state. I have never been in a car accident, and I am lucky to have family and friends who are safe drivers, but this is not the case for everyone. Even though the members of my family are safe drivers, I know they would not be able to teach me everything I need to know about driving, which is why driver education is important. Driving is a skill that must be learned, just like playing the guitar or baking. Of course, you can fumble around with notes or ingredients, but it is much more useful to have someone qualified teach you. It is the same with driving, except there is no room for mistakes, as lives are on the line.

While on the road, there are many signs and laws to pay attention to. Going through a driving school was extremely helpful to me because my instructor made sure I knew all of the information and how to interpret it. When I drove with my instructor, he took me on routes that I normally wouldn’t have driven on, like highways, windy back roads, and through one lane underpasses. I’m thankful for the experience because now if I ever need to drive in those circumstances, I will know what to do. This driving education made me a better driver. The trained instructors were able to walk me through experiences I know my family would not have been able to, simply because they may have forgotten or not experienced it. Having an in-depth knowledge of driving theory and law has helped me avoid accidents. Having a test at the end also made me feel secure that I knew enough to get on the road and be a safe driver. It also made my parents confident in me as a driver, which lowers my stress levels because they aren’t worried about me and shouting tips at me as I leave the driveway. I think having requirements like at a driving school is very important so that people are educated, can make informed decisions to avoid crashes, and feel confident in themselves when they get behind the wheel.

To be a safer driver, I try to have as few distractions in the front seat as possible. I put my phone where I cannot reach and turn my notifications off so that I am not tempted to look at it. I also save eating and drinking until after I am parked so that I can have my full attention on the road. Sometimes, being calm is the most difficult part of driving. I don’t listen to particularly fast or angry music while driving to make sure I’m as calm as possible. This has helped me tremendously when dealing with angry drivers on the road. I take a moment before I start moving to take a deep breath and make sure I’m not experiencing any intense emotions which could impair my decision-making ability. These things have all helped me be a more careful driver. I try to give myself extra time when I need to get somewhere to lower my stress. For example, I leave at 7:30 am to get to school for 8:00. It usually only takes me about twenty minutes to drive to school, but I give myself that time in case there is unexpected traffic, or I am running late. I find knowing I have ten extra minutes helps me slow down and remain calm.

For me, the most important things to be a safe driver are education, full attention, and remaining calm. There are many things that driving school has taught me that my family did not know. Having my full attention on the road while I’m in motion has helped me see the necessary signs on the highway and avoid obstacles. Remaining calm has helped me deal with other drivers on the road. All of these things combined help me make wise decisions while driving, which helps me to be a safer driver.