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Round 3 – Drivers’ Education Is As Important As Knowing The Alphabet

Name: Hena Patel
From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

Drivers’ Education Is As Important As Knowing The Alphabet

Hena Patel

22 July 2020

Driver Education Is As Important As Knowing The Alphabet

As children, the first thing we remember learning is the alphabet. We learned 26 letters which would help us build an endless amount of words. Learning the alphabet is super important. Learning about Driver Education is just as important as learning the alphabet. More than 38,000 people die from a car crash each year. 4.4 million people are critically injured from a car crash each year. These numbers are way too high. To drive is to ensure the safety of all passengers in cars. To make sure you aren’t one of the 4.4 million injured, educate yourself on driving. If everyone is educated on driving, the number of those injured would decrease dramatically. Many car accidents are caused by distractions of the phone. To ensure you aren’t distracted, make sure your phone is on the do not disturb setting. This setting will allow no sounds caused by the phone. To go even further, completely shutting off your phone will allow you to refrain from picking up your phone. I believe we should all place our phones in an area unreachable, such as the glove compartment. This will truly ensure that drivers will not get distracted from using the phone. Another big concern while driving is zoning out. Drivers lose focus while driving and blank out. This is a serious issue as drivers have to focus on the road at all times. To help with zoning out, you can redirect your gaze every 2 seconds to maintain focus. This will help with dozing off. Driver education is important for preventing car crashes. Fortunately, I have never been in a car crash, but I have witnessed family members driving irresponsibly. While being a passenger in the car, I have seen the driver using their phones on multiple occasions. To help them become a better driver, I ask them to place their phone down and maintain their focus on the road. By saying these simple words, you can help with preventing accidents. As a future driver, I will ensure to take all precautions that would help me to prevent distraction from driving. Like the alphabet helps us read and write, driver education helps us save lives.