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Round 3 – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Samantha Alcala
From: West Covina, California
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Education

The Importance of Drivers Education

Samantha Alcala

Did you know that “Over 2.5 million people in the U.S. are involved in road accidents each year.” Whether you’re the driver or the passenger, it is all of our jobs to make sure our roads are the safest possible. And to make that possible, we need our teens to complete driver education to help others become safer on the road and stop car-linked deaths. When teens work through a structured Drivers Education, they are instructed how to be respectful, focused, and safer on the road, are less prone to be in a fatal automobile accident, and can reduce car accidents overall.

You can easily reduce casualties on the road by choosing proper driver education. And by this I mean, a state-approved course that includes in-car instruction with an instructor. In an article by Drive Safely, the essential subjects you will learn in a Driver’s Education class are, “… road signs, traffic signals, and right of way, how to safely change lanes, turn and enter or exit roadways, basic vehicle safety and maintenance, and proper strategies for emergency situations.” These essential requirements will enhance our basic car knowledge and hinder more dangerous results.

Obey the traffic regulations and remember to always keep your eyes on the road. Remember that there are other drivers watching you, so don’t be unpredictable. Make sure every action you are about to carry out is recognized by other drivers. Use your blinkers and, if called for, use hand signals to drivers and pedestrians. Turn your phone off while driving and never check for texts. Distractions are your worst enemy while driving. Never drive under the influence of narcotics or liquor. Drunk driving is the leading cause of death on our nation’s roads. Always test your breaks, wheels, and windows. On the subject of windows, check your wipers and never drive in hazardous weather conditions.

There are many serious implications of becoming one of the world’s one billion plus drivers. Taking care of your driver’s education can help you and others become safer on the road, reduce the number of accidents, and most importantly, the number of deaths because of driving. Help yourself and others by completing your driver’s education.