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Round 3 – The Steps to Make Driving Safer for Everyone

Name: Leonardo Covarrubias
From: Madison, Wisconsin
Votes: 1

The Steps to Make Driving Safer for Everyone

The Steps to Make Driving Safer for Everyone

Driving is something that people may picture to be easy since lots of people can do it, but realistically, most people aren’t doing it in a safe way. According to, there are on average, 6 million car accidents and roughly 37,000 deaths due to automobile crashes per year. The sad thing is that there are many ways people can prevent this amount of accidents and deaths from happening in the first place.

There are several important steps people can take to reduce these numbers significantly in the near future. One major step would be to fully participate and engage in driver education. After having recently finished the course, I strongly believe that driver education is very important and could be a major key in reducing car deaths. Drivers Education teaches people the little things about driving like parallel parking, how to make Y-turns, roundabouts, speed control, and stuff like that. I can say that after taking this course, I felt much more confident and comfortable when driving during any conditions. Driver education makes sure that by the end of the course, you are ready to drive under any conditions and are proficient in the little things that come when driving. Being proficient at these things will make drivers more aware of their surroundings when driving which can lead to fewer accidents and deaths. Driver education also makes sure students understand the laws about driving and at the points where it is not safe for them to drive. All these points I’ve made indicate that driver education does work and could be major in reducing the number of car accidents and car deaths.

Another step people could take to reduce the number of car accidents and deaths could be for people to put their phone away and keep it away from the time the cars turn on until the car turns off. It is obvious that if people were to do this at all times, people would instantly become more aware of their surroundings while driving at all times. I’ve learned from an online source online that texting while driving increases the possibility of a car crash by 4 times! Another thing people could do is to always wear a seatbelt and to make sure your passengers are wearing one as well. This is very important to have on since having a seatbelt on during a car crash reduces the chance by 45% and serious injury by 50%. These numbers and significant and lead to the fact that just wearing a seatbelt will definitely save lots of lives during car crashes in the future.

The final step people should take to help prevent the increase of car accidents and car deaths are for passengers to make sure the driver is not only safe to drive but also comfortable when driving. Driving while fatigued since it could lead to reckless driving and possibly a car accident. Being a mindful passenger means making sure the driver has not been drinking before driving, is in a state where they are calm and focused, and one that is supporting the driver in any way they can. If the passengers keep the driver accountable and make sure everything is fine with the driver, that could possibly make the driving much safer and for the driver and the passengers. I personally have seen irresponsible driving many times. I have recently experienced it with many drivers who are new drivers and who have not had lots of experience with driving. I understand the feeling of nervousness and fright while having to sit and endure an unsafe and irresponsible car driver driving. I felt like I could’ve done more as far as telling the driver to pull over and ask them if I could drive or if everything was ok. I feel like if everyone were to take all the steps explained in this essay and also let people know of them, I am confident that the streets would be much safer and that the number of car crashes and car deaths would decrease significantly.