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Round 3 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Samuel Down
From: leicester, Leicestershire
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat

In the Driver’s Seat

Did you know you’re more likely to die in a car than a plane? Not many people would think that was true but in fact it is. Ultimately there are three factors in the number of road deaths the vehicle, the road and the driver. They all have big factors to pay the number of road deaths. First the vehicle, the vehicle has become a lot safer over the years that have passed I won’t go into the direct details as to why but this has resulted in better crash protection. In addition to this better roads have led to less accidents better roads meaning you better control over the vehicle again lessening the likely hood of the accident damage. But the driver is the main problem, see the modern vehicle can save you if you are in a crash but a good driver can keep you out of a crash altogether. The driver is the one in control of the vehicle and they are the ones who have the biggest influence in whether an accident happens and if so how fatal it is.

So having established that the driver is the main problem (poorly marinated cars and roads are also a problem but I believe lees significant in the grand scheme of things) what can we do about it? As a young driver myself I believe experience is vital. When I passed my test it took my several months to feel comfortable on the road. I have driven cars and vehicles from a very young age and felt the experience of going on the road overwhelming. I can’t imagine what it would have been like for someone not as confident. It if often rumoured that the first 1000 miles are the most dangerous. So I think there needs to be something done to combat this. Maybe after you pass your test you do a few lessons in a controlled environment driving by yourself. Or you must have 25 hours of lessons. Another problem is phones and bad driving both should have higher fines and have to go on courses to sort out their ways. As well as strict vehicle test like here in the UK we have the MOT which has to be done every year and is very good at making sure cars stay roadworthy.

What steps need to be taken then? Well I think that making sure under experienced drivers are not allowed on the road is a good start. In addition to making sure offences like drunk driving and using cameras and phones while driving has a bigger penalty. To stamp out these bad habits. As well as making sure all vehicles and roads are roadworthy as this is also part of the problem. I hope that you have found my report useful and I appreciate you taking the time in order to read it.