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Round 3 – The Truth about Safe Driving

Name: Brandon Gibbs-Jordan
From: San Antonio, Texas
Votes: 0

The Truth about Safe Driving

Before I begin, I want to start by saying that my mother was my primary driving instructor, and she did an amazing job. My dad, not so much, and I’ll explain later.

Going into my junior year of high school, I was so ready to start driving. I saw it as my first step towards freedom or independence as a young adult. I could tell my mother wasn’t as excited. Part of her reluctance was hearing about recent car accidents involving teenagers, that may have been texting and driving. She would often say to me, and my dad, that we were addicted to our phones, and she would comment on how she always sees us with the phone in our hands. In regards to my dad, I had to agree. Yes, I know I’m telling on him but my dad has the very bad habit of texting or checking emails, and driving. This was the main reason why my mom took up the mantel on teaching me how to drive, rather than letting my dad. She didn’t want any of his bad habits to rub off on me early on. In my dad’s defense, he has gotten better, thanks to my mom.

I am now a high school senior and have been driving on my own now for at least 6 months. Some of my friends have already been involved in some form of an accident, mostly minor, but an accident nonetheless. Unfortunately a student at my school was drinking and driving, and almost killed a jogger.

The question was raised what steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving? I think being honest about how those deaths occurred. My school has a mural up for a student that was killed in a driving accident. What a lot of people don’t know is that that student died because he was driving recklessly and injured another driver in the process. In regards to the student that was drinking and driving, and who almost killed a jogger, my school did a very bad job of speaking out this issue. They acted as if it never happened. I strongly believe that a lot of young people think they are untouchable, or that bad stuff like this would never happen to them. They have this false sense of self, because they are not exposed and shown just how close poor driving decisions can hit “home”. I think if they were shown “the truth”, maybe it would help them become better drivers or take fewer risks when driving.

Being a safe driver is not just about protecting myself while I’m on the road, but also looking out for others. Again, I credit my mother for setting a great example for me and I will continue to do my best to make her proud.