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Round 3 – We All Love Grandma, Put Down your Phone

Name: Manya Brown
From: Phoenix, Arizona
Votes: 0

We All Love Grandma, Put Down your Phone

Grandmothers everywhere are being threatened. First, it was from the rise of technology that can often cause confusion and leave them feeling frustrated and upset. They know, that possibly, just on the other side of a Facebook URL perhaps, is the profile of their long-lost high school sweetheart or the downloadable pdf file of that very specific kitting pattern of a cat attending a tea party, but getting to these sites is difficult and tedious. On top of technology being a pain in their neck, the real pain in their necks, one that can’t be remedied with water aerobics taught by Joan on Tuesdays, is the fact that the younger generations won’t put their phones down as they fly down the highway. Grandmothers everywhere deserve to drive in peace and with assured safety as their beloved Town and Country’s cruise to the nearest Bridge club without worrying that young, tech obsessed, social media zombies “driving” their self-driving Teslas are going to side swipe them while they distractedly watch yet another Tik-Tok of the same gosh-darn dance or bottle flip again. For the sake of “Joseph, Mary and Jesus! Will you put the dang things down and keep your eyes on the road, please?! Sheesh!” But really, is it that much to ask? We love our Grandmothers, we love our social media, but who do you love more I ask? To whom do you owe your attention to while you are on the road? If you answered anything other than your Grandmother, I will out you, at Bridge club perhaps or possibly at water aerobics and can you guess who will be there to make a tik-tok of you wearing your swim cap? That’s right Buster, it will be me. Please, for the sake of your Grandmothers having a chance to learn social media, for their knitting patterns and their beloved Town and Country’s, do not make a decision that you will regret. Put your phone down, Tik-Tok can wait, I promise people will still be tweeting the same memes in the 15 minutes you take to get to your destination and most importantly, you can pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for keeping your and my Grandma safe today.