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Round 3 – Man Vs. Van

Name: Viktoria Balinska
From: Newark, DE
Votes: 0

Man Vs. Van

Viktoria Balinska

Man Vs. Van

Driving a vehicle is either something one despises or relishes and there is no in-between.

As a girl who lives in a household with two reckless drivers, I would know. Let’s just say both my parents drive on the left lane f the road. If you know, you know. Both my mother and father lack in showing a reference for their young student driver (me). Yet, they tell me to look up to them when it comes to driving. I want to change that.

Why is it important to have an education in order to reduce driving related deaths? Well, there

are many reasons to this. If you think about it, would a business hire their uber who has little to no insight on road safety? The answer is no. Would a car repair auto shop hire you to fix cars if you have no clue what to do? No. Suppose you had a human error in the process of fixing ones repair. Can you imagine them paying you and then taking the car on the road and crash due to your expense? You have to think about these things. You yourself can steps to reduce the number of deaths related to driving simply by educating yourself. That’s all I can say. Do NOT take a prime example from your parents if they aren’t afraid to swerve and skid lanes. I, myself personally have not experienced a car accident nor do I know anyone who has. All I could say is; you have a great life ahead of you no matter if you’re a young driver or an older individual. Take that into notice. Let your kids look up to you. Set an ideal example for them because with the blink of an eye anything can happen.

Here are some steps you and I can take to better off our safety on the road; always take

Precaution, ask yourself “am I setting a prime example to my loved ones and others?”, please do ask yourself “is my text worth waiting?” (in this case the answer should be yes)! Obey your traffic signs, go the given speed limit, and most importantly-think. These are all things we may take for granted and with just a blink of an eye like I said, you and I can both be gone in the next second.