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Drivers Ed Online – 2020 Drivers Education Essay Contest

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2020 Drivers ed Essay Contest

is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths
as a result of driving?

importance of proper drivers ed amongst today’s youth is
fundamental in preventing the increasing number of driving-related
fatalities. Raising awareness on the importance of self-awareness of
surroundings, road and traffic signs, informational signs, and
signals will increase the level of education for young drivers to
ensure their safety and the safety of others. We are currently
residing in a society in which the technological advancements benefit
society’s development yet present a higher level of risk due to the
additional distractions caused by technology use while driving.
Drivers ed on the seriousness of driver safety and awareness
will most likely contribute to the reduction of deaths related to
driving. When individuals are educated and aware of issues that will
affect them and their community, they will take action in preventing
adverse outcomes from driving. Assuring that individuals find
themselves in the adequate mental condition to drive in another
factor that must be taken into consideration. Driving while
experiencing certain emotions is not only unhealthy for the driver,
passengers but the rest of society. Under my perspective, our youth
is becoming more mentally, emotionally, and physically dependent on
technology use. The dependence on technology increases the lack of
alertness when driving, which results in higher rates of deaths. The
use of alcohol and drugs while driving also increases the number of
deaths that arise due to this issue. Increased awareness of the
dangers of misuse of alcohol and the utilization of drugs combined
enforced education on driving will help prevent and reduce the number
of driving-related fatalities.

steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

are necessary steps that can and should be taken to reduce the number
of death related to driving. Just as fundamental math principles are
taught at an early age,

education at an early age will prepare the future drivers of our
society to be fully aware of the safety factors that must be taken
into consideration in order to prevent undesired outcomes. Providing
children in elementary school with basic drivers ed classes as
part of the education curriculum will present the topic at an early
age. Children must encode this information, when adolescence comes,
and they are presented with opportunities to drive, the education
they received at an early age will be later retrieved when they
obtain formal drivers ed and instruction.

you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your
friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

my family and I have not had any particular experience of being in a
car accident. I have witnessed friends and family members driving
overspeed or not pay the necessary and required attention on the
road. Whenever I am faced with such an issue, I try to raise
awareness and communicate the importance of road safety and driver
safety to them in order to prevent a possible accident.

steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help
others become safer on the road?

order to ensure safety among drivers and for myself, I will take and
motivate other individuals to take all the necessary precautions.
Silencing cell phones, assuring one is alert, has slept well (to
avoid drowsy driving), is physically, mentally, and emotionally
prepared and fit to drive are essential steps that must be evaluated
before taking the steering wheel. Road rage, distracted driving,
drinking and driving, and drugged driving are conditions that
contribute to the number of deaths related to driving. Increasing the
necessary awareness and education among children, adolescents, and
adults will reduce the number of fatalities related to driving and
ultimately save lives while ensuring the safety of our communities.