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Drivers Ed Online – Drive Safe or Pay the Price

Name: David Amshel
From: Apollo Beach, FL
Votes: 0

Drive Safe or Pay the Price

car is an amazing invention that helps people travel from one
location to another at a faster rate than taking a horse. However,
when a car gets in an accident the repercussions could lead to life
in prison or could be as drastic as death. In order to prevent such
disasters, drivers ed should be a class that every student must
take in high school.

drivers ed being a mandatory class for students they will
become more aware of how to drive properly to avoid car accidents and
learn what to do in case there is an accident. Teaching students how
to properly parallel park, use turn signals, and learn who has the
right of way can reduce car crashes. If more people are educated
early in life on how to drive then there is a higher chance that
people will not get in car accidents.

is also important to learn what to do in case there is an accident.
Being educated on how to avoid accidents is important, but no one can
control everything. I for one have been in a car accident and it was
not my fault. My car was stopped at a red light, and I was patiently
waiting for the light to turn green, then the guy behind me thought
the light turned green and floored it into the back of my car. I was
very nervous but I remained calm and we pulled over to the side of
the road away from traffic. The guy and I exchanged phone numbers,
insurances, and took a picture of each other’s license plate. This
is what you should do in case there is an accident and neither of us
were hurt.

have a few important tips to help avoid getting into car accidents.
One, do NOT drink alcohol and drive. Alcohol prevents drivers from
being focused and leads to most car crashes. Second, do NOT text and
drive. If Stacey is texting you how your day is or how much she loves
you, you can wait and get out of the car to reply to her. Your life
is more important than any text message. My last tip would be to
drive with someone who has driving experience. This is important
because they can use their phone to tell you directions, change the
radio station, keep you focused on the road, and help look out for
cars while driving.

gives people power, and with great power comes responsibility.
Driving is fun but there are rules to go along with it to make sure
everyone gets from one location to another safely. If everyone
followed the rules and be extra cautious then there will be a
decrease in car accidents and cheaper insurance. Allows remember to
drive safe because your life is precious and only happens once.