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Drivers Ed Online – A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Alive

Name: Alexandra Mooney
From: St Andrews, Scotland
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A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Alive

Drivers ed is the primary defense against deaths related to driving. The more educated young and new drivers are about the risks associated with irresponsible driving, the more likely they are to avoid making a fatal mistake. Behaviors like drinking, eating, or texting while driving are not “no big deal”, despite what many seem to think. They are dangerous and life threatening habits. Understanding these risks can help deter drivers from taking them. Good drivers ed includes basic rules of the road, but great drivers ed places an equal importance on responsible practices. It is not that people don’t want to be safe or good drivers, it is that they are simply not informed enough about what that looks like. Many of my own friends disregard good driving practices for this very reason.

Some of my friends find it perfectly acceptable to send a quick text while driving. Their argument is that they are not maintaining a conversation, just sending a message or two, so it is a safe thing to do. But whether you are sending one text or one million texts, it is still dangerous and irresponsible. Being a good driver does not mean taking a lesser risk, it means not taking the risk at all. This is an important distinction that many new and younger drivers fail to make if their drivers ed has not been adequate or thorough enough.

In order to reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving, it is important to take responsibility for oneself. Putting cell phones on silent, keeping any food in the backseat where it is out of reach, and always putting on a seatbelt before starting the car are all simple practices and habits that can be easily adopted. It’s also important to hold others accountable when they are not practicing safe driving. Friends might get annoyed when their bad habits are called out, but at least they will be alive. Additionally, it’s worth remembering that other drivers may not be taking the same safety precautions. It’s vital that every driver remain vigilant and aware of others around them. The safest driver can still find themselves in a car accident if they aren’t watching for those who don’t practice good driving habits.

While many resent the long hours spent in the classroom, practicing skills, and preparing for the road test, these are absolutely essential in preventing deaths related to driving. Proper drivers ed promotes safe behaviors, and instills these habits in students who go on to become safe and successful drivers. The best drivers take responsibility for themselves and for others, making accountability a priority. However, it is still worth remembering that keeping one’s own car safe is not enough if one is not driving defensively and is unaware of their surroundings. Spreading this information through drivers ed is the best way to keep every driver as safe as possible out on the roads.