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Drivers Ed Online – A safe driver, a life saver!

Name: Rejoice Mahadzwa
From: Harare, No states available
Votes: 0

A safe driver, a life saver!

A safe driver, a life saver!

Millions of lives are lost everyday due to negligent driving, is this because of ignorance or illiteracy? It is very essential for every driver to be of a sober mind before getting on the road. Awareness and education must increase on knowledge that a driver is not only responsible for their own life, but the life in the vehicle behind and the vehicle ahead of them. This knowledge can reduce deaths by accidents immensely.

To curb this, more road signs can be put up, implementation of strict police patrol, random license checks at roadblocks, inspection and steep fines for drunk driving and speeding. Above all education on the realities and implications of depressed driving or stressful driving are some of the measures that will help in this fight to reduce deaths by road accidents.

One point in time my father got involved in an accident, I felt like the weight of his life was on my shoulders as he lay down helpless. I learnt that life can easily be lost in a split second without any prior illness due to road accidents. By this I always urge those around me to value life especially on the road because it is easily lost on the road.

I make it a point to always put my seatbelt on and make sure my passengers also buckle up. One should always do a simple mind stability check before getting on the road. Inspect your vehicle and make sure everything is in a good condition (tyres, gas, water etc.). Always observe road signs and all traffic regulations.

To conclude this, as a passenger it is an obligation to make sure the driver is in a stable state to drive, as the driver, never forget the weight of lives you carry whenever you are on the road. Your caution can save a life, never take it for granted!