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Drivers Ed Online – A Day I Will Never Forget .

Name: valentine virgo
From: tucson , arizona
Votes: 0

A Day I Will Never Forget .


Valentine Virgo

University of Arizona , College of Fine Arts(Studio)

National Driving and Traffic School
Scholarship Essay

10 May2020

A Day I Will Never Forget .

The day was in essence not meant to
be a very exciting or eventful day. My partner and I were driving
back to Arizona so that I could take them to where they currently
live. So it all began as a sunny day in las vegas on the highway
going southbound. Note this section of highway is condensed and
clustered due to road conditions. Then in a gold suv flashes by me ,
the last thing I see is a person with their phone pressed almost
violently against their ear. Once this flashes in front of me next
thing i know is i am pushed into a sidewall of this highway.

The grey lifeless cement walls push
towards me faster than I can even understand what is happening. As my
truck smashes into this wall going seventy miles per hour , I have a
choice to allow my vehicle to fly over this wall resulting in
oncoming traffic to hit me or pull my steering wheel with all of my
strength to force my truck in another direction. I make the only
choice that could save me . I lunge across four lanes of traffic
faster than a blink of an eye. I finally stopped after colliding with
the cement wall on the other side of the highway.

So there I sit absolutely in shock
of the events that transpired before me. Glass like fallen snow all
over me and blood dripping across my hand. I look to my partner to
try and make sure they are conscious. Then before we can move I see
flames bright enough to be seen at noon on a summer’s day. We rushed
frantically to take all the items out of the vehicle. As I return to
the vehicle two almost faceless individuals come and pour coolant
onto my battery. Stopping the flame. Before I could thank them they
disappeared. As I look around me at my surroundings and my body I
notice my hand , dripping with blood with almost an invisible cut
from the glass bursting across my car when we collide with the wall.
It doesn’t bother me due to the next images that I see laid upon me.
As I look upon the highway I see seven other cars who have hit each

I was given a gift to not to be
seriously injured or have died in this accident. This was the result
of a driver being distracted on their phone. Going ninety miles per
hour and merging into my lane forcing me into a wall caused seven
other cars to hit each other as well. Not a single vehicle hit me
beside the one who caused all of this. That driver kept driving with
no regard for the lives he had damaged in his wake.