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Drivers Ed Online – A Look Into Safe Driving

Name: Shrasta Timalsina
From: Fort Worth, Texas
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A Look Into Safe Driving


Shrasta Timalsina

02 July 2020

A Look Into Safe Driving

There’s a rush of excitement that leaves the body the moment one gets the news they have passed their drivers test. Months of studying and training has led up to the success that gives access to a mode of transportation all teenagers dream of having. But there is a big problem that comes with this big achievement: car accidents.

No one is immune to the possibility of a car crash regardless of how safe they were or weren’t. Sometimes it’s not even their fault for the collision. However, the statistic that the average person will get in some sort of accident every 18 years still stands. This is a scary number and the chance of getting in an accident especially in teenagers is extremely high as well. But there is something that can help reduce the chances.

In order to obtain a driver license as a teenager, one must go through driving school and obtaining a certain amount of hours to even get a permit. After they have gotten this permit, they continue learning either online or in class along with learning how to drive behind the wheel. Through the course, students learn how to read road signs, speed limits, driving rules along with actually learning how to drive. This helps to give students insight on how to be safe drivers and how to be safe even in situations where other drivers aren’t so careful.

The issue also lies in how we can make adults safer drivers as well. Once drivers obtain their license, they don’t ever have to retake the exam again. This poses a problem as drivers are able to forget careful driving skills. In order to reduce the number of deaths, there can be a mandatory limit of driving courses and a reexamination of the driving exam of about every five years or so. This will make sure that drivers are still retaining important information and are practicing safe driving skills in order to keep everyone around them safe.

Around the age of ten, my mother took us to McDonald’s to get us dinner. As we were driving, a man in front of us had not signaled his turn signal or even gave the intention that he was turning, so once he moved to go into his apartment complex, my mom had crashed into him. This could have been avoided had he turned on his turn signal so she could have slowed down. The lack of a simple action had caused a huge problem, thankfully no one was harmed and I know now as a driver I can try to be safer.

As a new driver, it can be scary at times, but I’m confident in my abilities. In order to be a safe driver I pledge to consistently learn of any new rules and regulations that come with driving and taking my car to get inspected. I also plan to be attentive to what I do and what others do to keep myself and everyone else.