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Drivers Ed Online – The Preventable Perils of Driving

Name: Alexa D Darnaby
From: Davie, Florida
Votes: 0

The Preventable Perils of Driving

Sitting in the driver’s seat is a daily activity for many people. When initiating the ignition, many people do not realize that may be one of the last things that they ever do. There are over thirty thousand casualties a year caused by car accidents alone. That number is particularly startling when realizing that it towers over the deaths caused by the Korean-American War, Revolutionary War, and Iraq War respectively. All of these deaths are preventable through effective driving techniques.

Drivers ed colloquially referred to as drivers ed, is instrumental in minimizing these horrific deaths. The key aspect to mastering any subject is being taught; this statement is true in all areas of life including driving. Learning how to manage the road, particularly at a young age, has infinite benefits. Drivers ed teaches the laws applicable to drivers, safety measurements that all drivers should take, and promotes healthy attitudes towards driving. It institutes secured ideals in drivers which will limit perilous behaviors. For instance, drivers ed prominently states that driving under the influence is tremendously hazardous and should not be done under any circumstance. Instead, it teaches healthy alternatives to driving in this condition.

By rigorously enforcing drivers ed into students, the number of fatalities caused by inappropriate driving can be greatly reduced. There are numerous steps that can be taken to impact drivers across the nation. First, drivers ed should put greater emphasis upon the death toll, as doing so may lead to the revelation that a fatal car accident is not a rare incident and can potentially happen to anyone. Additionally, new drivers can be taught more safety measurements. By providing them with tips and nuances, drivers will have specialized knowledge that will assist them in driving throughout their lives.

It is always a horrific experience to see someone that you know drive inappropriately. While I am fortunate enough to live in a family that values safety over speed, I have seen many of my peers act with disrespect for their lives and those of their passengers and fellow drivers. Once I was driving with my family. While we were driving at a casual pace, another car raced past us nearly hitting ours while the driver vigorously rammed into the steering wheel. I glanced to the side just in time to be shocked by the sight of the driver who was a girl in my history class.

As a young driver, I will practice carefully to prepare myself for the dangers of the road. In order to protect myself and others, I will be cautious to select the conditions where I practice. For instance, I will avoid driving in the dark or in the rain. This will minimize the risk of danger. Further, I will alert others of the dangers that they are facing. This knowledge alone will allow us to avoid this escapable death by allowing for the realization that accidents truly can happen to anyone.