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Drivers Ed Online – Respect for the Driving Privilege

Name: Jeffrey Lewis
From: Saint Louis, Missouri
Votes: 0

Respect for the Driving Privilege

We always hear the adage, “Driving is a privilege.” Driving is a huge responsibility and it takes a lot of maturity to responsibly handle machinery that progressively becomes more advanced, technical. With the increase of cars being put on the road, speeds limits and vehicle capabilities increasing, safety is paramount. Now, more than ever, drivers ed is highly important in order to educate future drivers on respecting the privilege of driving. Driving should not be taken for granted or taken lightly because how we treat it could mean life or death for ourselves and others sharing the roads with us.

Being able to effectively educate current and future drivers on responsible, mature driving habits and etiquette as well as respecting the vehicles being driven and the physics that govern them is the first step to having safe drivers on the road. This will, in turn, translate to a reduction in deaths as a result of driving. Giving refreshers to those who may have fallen into unsafe habits periodically can help veteran drivers remain respectful of their driving privilege.

I have experience car rides with friends in high school who felt they were invincible, that nothing bad could happen to them. They also felt that speeding was a badge of driving skill and made them look cool. I can do nothing but become livid at anyone who showed such disregard for the lives of their passengers, let alone others who shared the road with them. To this day, I scrutinize any and all people I get in the car with. Majority of the time, I offer to drive myself because I know that many things can happen and if I cam carrying precious cargo, I make it my goal to make sure they reach our destination safely.

Practicing ultimate defensive driving is ideal for cultivating safe driving habits. Respecting the rules of the road and avoid driving with a ceteris paribus view with regards to driving which disregards the possibility of unaccounted for, random events happening. Staying attentive to the road and think and planning far ahead helps me stay to steps ahead of traffic ahead AND behind me. Being courteous and unselfish helps safe traffic patterns to prevail. Respecting local speed and traffic signs helps traffic acclimate to the immediate area.

By no means is are the aforementioned tips to safer driving all-inclusive but it sure is a great start to safe driving habits. Checking our egos and remaining humble are two more items we can use to be safer. If all of us take the time to practice these methods, we can see those death rates drop dramatically and we can all enjoy our driving privilege in a healthier manner.