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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driver Education for Future Generations

Name: Madison Elise Ruchel
From: Springboro, OH
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The Importance of Drivers ed for Future Generations

The Importance of Drivers ed for Future Generations

Written by: Madison Ruchel (Springboro High School)

Before any student wishing to obtain their driver’s license can officially hit the road, they must complete drivers ed classes. These classes are the most influential part of learning the responsibility, as well as the costs of driving. Upon entering the classroom, numerous displays and signs depicting driver’s safety are shown for all to see. Quickly, students learn that driving does not only require immense responsibility, but also makes us aware that we have other people’s lives in our hands. Reportedly, over 1 million people die in car related incidents each year, which is why drivers ed is so important. It teaches students what it really means when getting in a vehicle with others. We are taught many ways that a tragedy can be avoided, the first step is always wearing a seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt automatically decreases the risk of serious injury by 50 percent.

Students are also taught the defensive driving strategy. Using non-aggressive tactics when driving, especially in direct conflict ensures that stability will be maintained on any trip. Furthermore, some drivers ed classes are taught about situations “danger spikes,” some examples are crossing an intersection, a four-way stop, or passing another car on the highway. At these spikes, the driver’s attention is required the most. However, there are multiple distractions that must be avoided, especially by new drivers. Talking on the phone and music playing draws auditory attention away from the road, which can be extremely dangerous in some situations. Eating, texting, and other hands on activities temporarily hinder one’s sight and focus as well, being even more perilous. One of the most valid lessons to becoming a responsible driver, is to avoid any potential distractions in order to protect yourself and those around you.

Of course it is known that no one is perfect in these situations, I know this very well from a personal incident. It was my first day of work and I was extremely eager to get there before 3 o’clock. Each day a heavy amount of traffic surrounds my school after the bell, I was determined to beat it. Instead of focusing on the car in front of me, I became more concerned with beating a traffic light and hit the back of the car. Fortunately, no one was hurt and the car barely suffered a scratch, but I still know I was truly at fault. It was a good life lesson that I genuinely learned from, it is important to always look ahead and to not become so anxious to get somewhere. The key components to safe driving include wearing a seatbelt, preventing inside and outside distractions, and maintaining focus when on the road. In conclusion drivers ed classes are key to ensuring the safety of future generations.