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Drivers Ed Online – All At Risk

Name: Yasmeen Andrea Feghali
From: Sugar Land, TX
Votes: 0

All At Risk

All at Risk

I live in Houston, Texas one of the fourth most populated cities in the United States. Houston is known for having very intense, high volume traffic and highway systems in that note the city lacks having a decent public transportation system. But where it does it might not be considered “safe” to some families, so the next resort is to learn how to drive and be on your way.

Education, in general, is very crucial to get far in society today. Driving education is very important for students to learn the rules of the road. I believe that for drivers ed to be remembered out on the road, students need to know how critical driving is instead of treating it as a small bridge to their “freedom” per se. Students nowadays do not realize how significant it is to be putting someone else life in danger every single time they begin to drive. By studying and knowing the rules of the road death rates would not be as significant because even though you know the rules of the road, you can trust that the person driving beside you knows what they are doing as well. Drivers ed is not for individual drivers but a community. For example, by only teaching one person how to drive there is a 100% chance there will still bet death rates from driving. But by teaching many drivers how to drive and the rules on the road the chances of someone dying in a vehicle accident drops significantly.

To reduce the deaths related to driving precautions need to be taken. The drivers ed programs need to be taken more seriously among young students because students need to realize the people in their car and out of the car are at risk. I also believe that defensive driving should not be taken as a disciplinary action after receiving a traffic violation but as a part of the drivers ed curriculum. There is an acronym I follow FAIL (first attempt in learning). But in the driving reality, you only have one chance and should know the hard parts about driving before making a mistake and potentially hurting someone else.

I feel very strongly about this issue because I have had friends pass away from driving tragedies and my friends also tend to drive recklessly at times. By being on your phone and not paying attention to the road for even a split second. Your world could change in an instant. I believe to be a better driver and safer on the road I want to lead by example. If I drive how I want my friends to drive then the chances of them driving recklessly will be less.

Driving is a way of life but it should not be diminished or overseen because of how normal it is. It is an accident waiting to happen and should be taught about as if that could be you.