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Drivers Ed Online – “Let’s go, Drive Safely”

Name: Gage Connolly
From: Cedarville, Ohio
Votes: 0

“Let’s go, Drive Safely”

Let’s go, Drive Safely”

Drivers ed can be very important in reducing the number of deaths because the more you learn in drivers ed, the more prepared you will be to react to an abnormal situation on the road. One such situation could be a pedestrian walking into the road without looking, or someone pulling out in front of you, and you have to be prepared to stop. Steps that can be taken to reduce deaths include making sure you drive the speed limit, even if lots of other drivers are speeding around you, and another step to prevent death is to make sure you are paying attention one-hundred percent of the time, and not losing focus. I have never seen friends or family members driving irresponsibly, but I have been in a couple accidents. One accident I was in was when I was about two years old, with my mom driving. The car behind us was not paying attention, and as a result, we were rear-ended on Interstate 70. I turn eighteen July 23, and I have already hit three animals, two rabbits and a deer. Hitting the deer was very scary, but I did everything I was supposed to do: I slammed on my brakes and I did not swerve even a little. It was probably one of my scariest moments. I would say some steps I can take to become a safer driver would be to make sure I don’t lose any focus while driving, and to make sure I am ready to react to any sudden changes on the road, whether it be precipitation, someone walking in front of me, or someone pulling out in front of me.