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Drivers Ed Online – Are you a safe driver?

Name: Blake Danual Allen
From: Crescent City, CA
Votes: 0

Are you a safe driver?

Are you a safe driver?

Being a safe driver includes many things and is a big responsibility the majority of the population do not take as seriously as they should. Most people would say immediately they are a safe driver, but they probably aren’t quite as smart on the road as they may think. First, I think we should answer the question of what does being a safe driver mean? In order to be safe driver you must always be alert, practice defensive driving, keep your eyes on the road and follow all the laws.

Drivers’ education is also a huge part in being a safe driver. Drivers’ Ed is what prepares young adults to drive responsibly and get a feel for the road; Without it there would be so many more car accidents, which inevitably leads to more fatalities on the road. A few steps everyone can take to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to be an attentive driver; be aware of speed limits, keep your eyes on the road, and don’t let aggressive drivers get under your skin.

I have been in a car accident, one time before that I remember, and my friend was driving. It was wet outside due to the recent rain, and we were driving past the beach with our lunch. He decided to start speeding, and upon taking the first turn the tires lost traction because we were going 50 mph. This caused our car to go across the road into the lane of oncoming traffic until we hit the guard rail, and then he drove through a barbwire fence and into a field. That really opened my eyes because I always think what if a family was coming in the other lane; Our reckless decisions could have caused the death or injury of others.

Finally, a few steps I can and will take to be a better and safer driver is to keep my eyes on the road at all times, keep a close eye on my speedometer, follow the rules of the road and keep in mind how badly things can go in an instant if I do not take it seriously. Being a safe driver is incredibly important because it’s never just your life that’s at risk.