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Drivers Ed Online – Prevent Car Deaths

Name: Monica Ovalle
From: Palmdale, California
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Prevent Car Deaths

Drivers ed shows the importance of safety precautions. Over the years, the number of deaths has increased in car crash accidents this is due to the changes in the word: technology, misuse of drugs, and distraction. In today’s world phones, tablets, and other electronics devices have become a part of our daily lives. Humans are entrances with these objects; we don’t see the dangers within them. Just one glance well is seeing a good man on a pole. Medication helps with colds, infections, and pain. 500 years ago people were dying from what we call today, “the common cold”. Now people are dying just to have medicine that they don’t need, just to make that person feel good (not in a good way). The most leading cause of car crashes is distractions, eating. By eating you give your being distracted on the road and focusing on the food. Step we can take as humans is to shut off our phones before driving. Making sure we are completely sober or if you’re not, trusting another person to take care for your keys is the smartest decision. Another thing to consider is eating before driving. By doing so you reduce the chance of eating on the road.Taking these precautions we can reduce the number of deaths due to car crashes. An experience I’ve had, my father was on his phone while driving and almost crashed into another car. By doing this he endangered the lives of the passengers and himself.  By reminding ourselves that there are families in the car we can remember to use these steps to prevent deaths.