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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance for driver safety

Name: Star Ocelot
From: Wichita, Kansas
Votes: 2

The Importance for driver safety

Unlike Humans, Birds know how to fly. The dangers of it and what to do. With out the gainful knowledge of Drivers ed it would be as equivalent to pushing a bird with out feathers out of their nest, it would not fly. Drivers ed prepares the adolescent (sometimes young adult) to drive safely and responsible. Just like the feathers on a bird prepares it to fly. With out Drivers ed we would lack the understanding of car crashes and how they happen. We would not know what to do encase our breaks go out or how to use our arms as turn singles when our blinkers are broken. Taken in simple steps that we learn reduces the chances of everyone dying.

Car safety, involves taking movements before you are behind the wheel of your vehicle. Gradually walking around your car to inspect it for a number of things. checking the tag lights, inspecting your tire pressure and making sure that your windows and mirrors are clear. And once in your vehicle you can adjust all the mirrors and seat to your comfort level making sure you are not to far or close to reach the wheel and the pedals. Doing these little steps can go a long way. Do not forget your seat belt, it is the law.

I never had a friend or family member in a car accident how ever when I was driving one day there was a collusion in front of me. I immediately reacted . I pulled over to the side away from any traffic and went head on to preform first aid to the couple in the car. The ran a red light and where not wearing their seat belts.

Just being aware, knowing the dangers of driving a half ton machine and understanding that it is not a toy, People do die.