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Drivers Ed Online – Be Safe and Never Sorry

Name: Breyah Jackson
From: Hyde Park, New York
Votes: 0

Be Safe and Never Sorry

Be Safe and Never Sorry

Driving. The most exciting, yet terrifying thing you can ever do. After finally getting your license, you feel more like an adult and are anxious to drive anywhere and everywhere, especially with your friends. As a new driver myself, I could not wait to finally drive without my parents. I could go wherever. This is a great thing, however, with great things, come great responsibilities.

Driving can be scary, you’re on the road with other [more] experienced drivers, who may feel like you’re driving too slow, and make you feel the need to speed up. You may be in the car with friends who encourage you to do non-safe things while behind the wheel. These things can ultimately cause you get into an accident.

The chances of this can be reduced. During your time in driving school, your instructor stresses to you the importance of being safe while driving. They also feed you real-life driver statistics that are quite concerning. This should encourage you to be the best driver you can be once you hit the road. Driving with more people, driving above the speed limit, texting or being on your phone, and many other things that can hinder a drivers judgement or ability, and can increase the risk of an accident. Your goal is to get to your destination alive and safe. Do the right thing, it could mean the difference between life and death for you.

The statistics about driving-related deaths due to distracted driving as of 2018 was more than 4,000 deaths in the U.S. alone. It’s more common for teens to get into these distraction-caused accidents. A phone call, a text message, a photo, is not worth yours or anyone else’s life. It’s a serious problem that starts from the beginning. If you make a habit of doing bad things while driving your are putting yourself and others at risk.

I was in a car accident when I was I was around 13, it was the scariest moment of my life, it all happend so quickly. The accident was actually another driver’s fault, which shows that the your actions while driving, can seriously affect others. Luckily, no one was injured, but when that happed to me, I asked around, and many other people told me that they have also been in a car accident before. Accidents are more common than we think.

As a driver myself, I never touch my phone while driving, I don’t speed, no matter how much the car behind me gets annoyed, and I never drive with certain people that I don’t feel comfortable with. At the end of the day, life is important and getting home alive and safe is the goal. I tell my friends that are doing not-so safe things to stop and think about the possibility of someone getting hurt because of their action. As drivers we want to be safe and never sorry.