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Drivers Ed Online – One Night

Name: Brooke Martin
From: Wichita, KS
Votes: 0

One Night



in the back seat it seemed as if it happened so fast. My dad was in
the driver’s seat while my mom sat in the passenger’s seat. We had
driven on the highway numerous times prior to the accident. As we
were stopped at a red light my dad happened to look in the rearview
mirror. He yelled to my mom who then turned her head to try and look
out the window to see what was about to happen. A yellow mustang just
rear ended our family van. Luckily for us a sheriff was sitting at
the same light and saw the whole thing happen. Looking back on the
accident I can vividly remember the firefighter handing me a teddy
bear with a red ribbon around its neck while my mom was being
examined and given staples in her head from hitting her head against
the window.

education is very important because too many people have been
affected from accidents that could have been prevented. I recall
learning how to drive and telling myself before I got into the car to
be extra cautious and aware because one reckless act on the road
could mean a life for someone else. As more drivers come onto the
roads it is important to make everyone aware of the power they have
in their hands when operating a vehicle. In order to do so I believe
that everyone should have to complete a driving quiz every year that
also shows how easy it is to cause an accident. This will help keep
everyone’s minds fresh on the rules of the road while also allowing
them to think about the possibilities that could occur when operating
a vehicle.

a college student who drives 130 miles to get to my university it is
important to make sure I am aware of what is happening on the road. I
help ensure this by traveling when it is still light out, making sure
I am well rested and paying attention to the road. One way I can help
others while driving is making sure they are doing so responsibly.
When riding with friends I try to help them to the best of my
ability. I help ensure safe travels no matter how far the distance by
keeping my eyes on the road, responding to text for them, and making
sure they are not going over the speed limit. As a future educator I
hope to bring these tips and awareness to my classroom. Teaching
young children these simple reminders before they can drive will help
instill lifelong habits.

becoming a responsible driver I hope to influence my family, friends
and future students about the consequences of reckless driving. This
will help ensure that loved ones in their lives do not have to watch
their mom being examined by the EMT’s are handed a teddy bear with
a red ribbon around its neck.