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Drivers Ed Online – Being A Safe – Conscious Driver

Name: Tammy Dang
From: Chicago, IL
Votes: 0

Being A Safe – Conscious Driver

Ed Online

Drivers ed Essay Contest

Tammy Dang

importance of drivers ed in reducing the number of deaths as a
result of driving is knowing the road, where you live, the traffic
around you, and practicing defensive driving. Drivers ed not
only teaches us how to use a car, but also knowing how traffic works
and teaching us how to drive on the road where we live. In order to
reduce the number of deaths related to driving, not only must the
driver be conscious while driving, but also have pedestrians be aware
of their surroundings. For example, pedestrians should not cross the
street if there is only five seconds left to walk across the street.
It’s dangerous for the person to run across the street in five
seconds, but also dangerous for the car to suddenly stop to allow the
pedestrian to get across the street. Consequently, it is also the
driver’s responsibility to be conscious while driving. This means
that there should be no no alcohol consumption. I know in Illinois
the BAC level to drive is 0.08. For some people, they can seem more
tipsy and have slower reactions than other people because people have
different tolerance levels of alcohol. A BAC level of 0.02 can be
seen as drunk for one person, while the other isn’t. Even though
their BAC level is 0.02 and is technically fine to drive, the more
tipspy person will more likely react slower while driving because of
their tolerance level. Personally, I’ve been lucky enough where I
haven’t been in a car accident. However, I am always scared, before,
when my dad would insist on driving after drinking. It doesn’t matter
whether he drank a little or a lot and his BAC level would be
considered less than 0.08, I would always insist on driving after
getting my license just in case anything happened. Steps for me to
take to be a better and safer driver is to always check the weather,
check your car, your mirrors, always signal no matter what, and drive
confidently. By “drive confidently,” I mean to drive at a
comfortable and safe speed for the road I am on. In order to help
others to be safer on the road, be a good pedestrian. Please follow
the walking signal, look both ways before walking the street, and
consider people who are driving. For drivers to be safer on the road,
we need to always signal, say our thanks with the mirror wave, and be
aware of your surroundings.