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Drivers Ed Online – Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Jozie Costello
From: Plainfield , Illinois
Votes: 0

Importance of Drivers ed

began drivers ed in spring of 2017. Being behind the wheel
for the first time was nerve wracking. Learning how much pressure I
need to apply to the brake in order for me to stop the vehicle,
learning how to use directionals, learning to check my blind spots
when merging on the highway. All of which helped me become a better
driver. I became more comfortable behind the wheel, and confident I
would keep myself and my passengers safe. I learned how important it
is to not drive distracted because having your eyes anywhere but the
road for just one second can lead to disaster. Having the
opportunity to drive with my instructor Mr. Marsh who knew all the
rules of the road and had a brake on their side of the car helped me
get comfortable. I would not be the safe driver I am had I not taken
drivers ed. I have not been in a car accident myself, but I
have witnessed unsafe driving being in the car with others. I
remember one year for New Years I went out with a few friends and our
driver was using her cellphone ad swerved into the other lane and
almost ran head on into a truck. That was a very scary moment for me
and everyone else in the car. I felt extremely unsafe and from that
moment on I pledged to never text and drive. I can contribute to
help others drive safely by offering to send a text for them, turn
the GPS on or look up the closest rest stop for them. That way I
keep myself and everyone else in the car safe. We can reduce the
number of deaths due to car accidents by practicing safe driving
through drivers ed.