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Drivers Ed Online – Being a Safe Driver

Name: Angelina Lewis
From: Vineland, New Jersey
Votes: 0

Being a Safe Driver

Drivers ed is very important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. Before a child takes the drivers ed course, they only know some rules of the road from observing their family and friends driving. They only experience driving in the car from a passenger’s perspective and don’t know how much work goes into keeping everyone safe. The driving course informs the new drivers on what to expect from others on the road and helps teach them what they should do. Knowing about what others will do and what they should do will help them keep safer than if they were just given car keys and told to “Have fun!”.

While taking drivers ed helps in reducing the deaths that result from driving, there are steps people can take. One step they can take is to not be an aggressive driver. Aggressive driver’s put themselves and others in danger by being reckless. Along with putting others in danger, they create road rage in others. Just being patient while driving can go a long way in keeping people safe. Another step people can take is just not speeding. It is very easy to speed in cars. Speeding is against the law and can cause accidents very easily. A third step people could take is to just not be distracted while driving. Knowing their limits is important and can drastically help. For example, I am starting to drive and I can’t focus while listening to music. When I drive, I don’t have the radio on because it would be dangerous for me and everyone on the road.

I have had people I know been in car accidents. My one friend was in a very bad car accident where multiple cars were involved. Thankfully, no one got to hurt. My other friend got into a small car accident where her car clipped the other car. Again no one got hurt. I have seen my family members drive irresponsibly. Many of my family members grew up when wearing seatbelts was optional or when the law wasn’t really enforced. I always shame them when they don’t wear it (partially because it is fun but mostly because I care about them and want them to be safe). Along with that, they sometimes do rolling stops. The only one who really follows every rule is my grandma. She follows the speed limits religiously and does everything correctly.

One step I could do when I get my license is to take refresher courses throughout my adult life. I understand that driving takes experience and you get better as you go, but just taking a driving course once in 40 years is worrying. Just doing a refresher course could help people continue to be safe and aware of what you should be doing. Another step is not using my phone. Texting while driving is distracting and by leaving it in the backseat or in a purse could help stop the urge to check my notifications.