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Drivers Ed Online – Being black in America

Name: Kayla
From: Houston, Texas
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Being black in America

Kayla Lyles

Being Black in America

From the beginning of America, oppression against black individuals has been very prevalent. When discussing the social injustice, in today’s world, it is at an all time high. As a result Americans and other nations have taken it upon themselves to protest for equality and justice for all. With protests making a rise, as it did in the 60s with the Black Panther Party, the government and law enforcement are forced to listen to the pain being felt as well as the need for equality without police brutality. In the article, “All Four Former Officers Involved in George Floyds Killing Now Face Charges,” written by Josh Campbell, Sara Sidner and Eric Levenson from CNN, the authors give details about the current events happening while sharing the injustice and systemic racism happening against a specific race, being black in America.

With everything that’s going on in today’s world the main stories being released are about the tragic story of George Floyd. The article I chose was, “All Four Former Officers Involved in George Floyds Killing Now Face Charges,” Written by Josh Campbell, Sara Sidner, and Eric Levenson from CNN. This article focuses on the charges that have been put up against the three other officers who were present during the murder of George Floyd. The three officers were initially not charged and Derek Chauvin was arrested in the last week of May with lighter charges. The authors use direct quotes like “His attorney, Tom Plunkett, said in a statement that Kueng “was asked to turn himself in to face charges” Wednesday afternoon and was in custody 15 minutes later.” to support their statements. The authors also give insight to the case that the officers are being charged with and also giving quotes from the families directly affected. Autopsy reports determined that Floyd died by homicide and the Minneapolis Police Chief fired all four officers involved, saying they were complicit in the death. According to the officers Chauvin was charged with Second degree murder and the other three officers are being charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder. throughout this article the reader gives information about the incident and the consequences the people involved are facing.
The idea the writers convey in this article provides a fairly unbiased reading while explaining the very evident racism and the consequences for the law enforcement involved. The social injustice and police brutality is shown more than ever with the help of social media. George Floyds death became viral on every social media platform and resulted in angry citizens ready to fight for justice, as shown in the numerous protests. As a result of that people around the world get a glimpse of the racism and oppression faced by African Americans and minorities as a whole.The authors add in a direct quote, “We cannot celebrate because an arrest is not a conviction and we want justice,” Crump told reporters on Wednesday. “We want whole justice,” from the victim,George Floyd’s family. The officers involved include, Derek Chauvin, the man who ultimately killed George Floyd, has been charged with second degree murder. Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng, who helped restrain Floyd, and Tou Thao, who stood near the others, are being charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter, all of which have not been officially convicted. Many will say these new charges were made from the voices of the protests. Since the death of George Floyd there have been nationwide protests held for multiple weeks as of May 25, 2020 when he was pronounced dead in Minnesota, despite the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. This Houston native has sparked conversations and protests to fight for justice for the black community. The writers give information about this case that include, “ Two autopsies on Floyd determined that he died by homicide.” and “Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd’s neck as Floyd pleaded that he could not breathe,” for a better understanding of the case and the tragic event. Social injustice is shown greatly with black victims when against law enforcement. “Officers are rarely charged with crimes for violence against black men, and even in those rare cases, juries have repeatedly shown an unwillingness to convict.” The authors give these quotes to support their argument of racism, descrimination, and injustice are not only shown through law enforcement but are also shown in our court systems and the government. These protests have mainly been led by Black Lives Matter activists and have been solely based to fight for a change in systemic racism and justice for all, not just black lives but for every human being. Since the 17th century when African people were kidnapped and stolen from their homeland and enslaved under wealthy, powerful white men there has been an ongoing built in systemic racism that America was built over. “We’re confident in what we’re doing, but history does show that there are clear challenges here,” Ellison said.” with the change in effect protesters will not stop until justice is served. Prioritizing the need for justice and the demolishing of systemic racism is what will need to take action.

“The charges announced by Attorney General Keith Ellison today are a meaningful step toward justice for George Floyd. But we must also recognize that the anguish driving protests around the world is about more than one tragic incident,” he said.” In 2015 alone over 100 Americans were murdered unarmed including Sandra Bland and Christian Taylor. “We will not wake up one day and have the disease of systemic racism cured for us. This is on each of us to solve together, and we have hard work ahead.” Systemic racism will take everyone to end it. With protests still happening, petitions still to be signed, and donations to be given, the fight for justice has involved people from different races, social classes, and nationalities.

The writers of this article give insight into today’s racial issues while giving direct quotes from the people affected by the tragedy. This article gives the hard honest truth of the unjust justice system and racism in the law enforcement. Better requirements from the law enforcement and more consequences for the unjust acts will make a positive impact on black lives safety and the overall nation. The justice system needs to be able to hold everyone equally accountable for their actions and hold them to the same standard regardless of race. This text has shown me that the voices of the protestors are being heard. Everyone has tried to peacefully kneel at football games, not to disrespect the flag or the soldiers but to get America to recognize black lives, to fight for black lives and to realize that just like any other life, Black lives matter too. These charges were not involved before the nation wide protest, or petitions, or donations. Voices have been heard and a change has to come.

Campbell, Josh, et al. “All Four Former Officers Involved in George Floyd’s Killing Now Face Charges.” CNN, Cable News Network, 4 June 2020,