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Drivers Ed Online – Divers Education essay

Name: Kiyah Ciere Shaw
From: North Chesterfield, Virginia
Votes: 0

Divers Education essay

Kiyah Shaw

[email protected]

July 1,2020

Driving Education Essay

To begin with, the importance of driving education is critical because it can teach people the rules of the road to make sure everyone makes it to their destination as safely as possible. Certain steps I believe that can help reduce the number of deaths and accidents would to first Not to drive when under the influence of anything such as drugs and alcohol because you are 11 times more likely to be in an accident and at least 28 people a day, die from a person driving under the influence. lastly not to exceed the speed limit. Speeding causes 26% of car accident deaths, so driving the speed limit is essential. I’ve experienced being in a car accident, I was distractracted on my phone and ran a red light causing me to hit another person’s vehicle. I was embarrassed and disappointed in myself for not having my undivided attention on the road while I was driving. Luckily no one was hurt but I no longer desire to drive or even use my phone because of how traumatizing the whole experience was. Other steps to make driving safer for everyone on the road would be, first, to not speed or drive during bad weather such as rain, hail or snow and if you do get caught in bad weather you should pull over until it clears or until roads are safer to drive on. Secondly, have phones automatically go into a mode where text messages, social media and calls are silenced so the driver is completely focused on the road when driving. Third step would have the handicap or slower driving cars should be in the cruising lane. Because most of the time they are constantly breaking, missing turns or just driving too slow under the speed limit. However by staying in the cruising lane this can minimize any altercations or accidents between road rage drivers or someone who’s exceeding the speed limit.