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Drivers Ed Online – What is the importance of driver education in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?

Name: Eva Rice
From: Mitchellville, MD
Votes: 0

What is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?

The importance of drivers ed boils down to three things: Safety, Reliability and Flexibility. Safety seems like an obvious thing at first, but it really is something to take seriously. For example, you don’t have to be drunk to be a safety hazard on the road. If you’re feeling sleepy or sick to the point of fever, you are putting yourself in danger and those on the highway. Pull over if you need to and get the rest you need, don’t try to tough it out. Moreover, the risk becomes even higher when you are intoxicated or high. Your coordination and response time is altered, which could cause major accidents. Even if it was just one drink, it could have enormous consequences, that don’t just affect the one you hit. It affects everyone close to or around them, emotionally and physically. Reliability comes in many different forms; it can be a designated driver or just a responsible friend. Knowing when you’ve had too much to drink, or when it’s time to switch drivers. Having that person to watch out for you can help prevent more incidents. If you consider yourself to be reliable, then be okay with asking for help. Sometimes all it takes is one action to save a life. Better safe than sorry, so take well thought out actions in whatever situation arises. For instance, say your family is planning a road trip, and your Uncle was the primary driver. He seems tired, and is starting to drift on the road. Though you may be younger than him, step up and ask politely to take over. If he refuses, find some more family members to back you up. If they are asleep, ask him to pull over and ask once more. Explain in considerate words, try to convey that this comes from a place of love and not judgement. And if you are the one primarily driving, don’t hesitate to ask for help, or pull over to get a breather. Every small thing counts. Flexibility is a combination of the first two things, but is different when it comes to those around you. Each level varies between person to person, and can sometimes be hard to compromise. In my previous example, say the Uncle still refuses to move despite everything to try. His level will not be shaken, and neither will yours. So you have to make a decision on whether to compromise or not. That is the basis of flexibility, adapting to the situation that comes forth, and dealing with it accordingly. Will it always go smoothly? No, things can happen, words will be spoken, but sometimes it’s exactly what you need. The importance of drivers ed will never go away and it cannot be discarded no matter what time period it is. Death is scary, unfortunate, abrupt and even unfair at times. People leave the earth without saying goodbye, and it breaks hearts. The importance lies not only in three things, but in everything for life.