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Drivers Ed Online – Safe Driving

Name: Cornelia WInesberry
From: New York, NY
Votes: 0

Safe Driving

Safe Driving

There are many steps I can take to be a better driver on the road, but the main one? Paying attention. That is the most important thing you can do while on the road. Paying attention can help prevent so many accidents from your end or even the other person’s end. The main reason why people end up in accidents is because they weren’t paying attention because they were on their phone or driving with distractions and or driving under the influence which of course is never advisable. Some other steps I can take are just making sure my car is in driving condition. No bashed in mirrors, broken seatbelts, bashed in signal lights..etc. Since I don’t really go around telling strangers how to drive, the only thing I can really do to help others drive safely is to either comment on my friends driving when I see them do something they are not supposed to do like drive while talking on the phone or eating and driving and I can inform my younger siblings on what to do and what not to do while on the road and hopefully they learn from what I have to say. Thank you.