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Drivers Ed Online – Both Sides Of The Road.

Name: Ellen Castro
From: Temple, TX
Votes: 6

Both Sides Of The Road.

The importance of drivers ed and why it should be more enforced than it is already would help immensely to decrease the accidents and deaths on the roads today. The more you know right?

One way we could reduce the number of deaths on the roads would be to place a setting on all phones that if you are moving at a speed of, let’s say 15mph or more, your phone won’t let you unlock it or use it. People are far too distracted by texts, music selection and so much more on our phones! It can wait or you can pull over to a safe spot.

I have been in a couple of vehicle crashes, one of them due to the other driver being on her phone(texting). But I have also seen a lot of wrecks as I work in EMS. If I see a family member on their phone while driving, I will physically take it from them. It only takes a second to hit someone or something when you aren’t paying attention to the road.

I try and keep my phone out of sight while I’m driving. Then I can’t even look down at a text or call that comes through. I try and keep myself up to date on education when it comes to driving and driving laws. I always try and keep an extra lookout for other drivers not paying attention and when I’m on my motorcycle, I really keep my head on a swivel. I always assume people can’t see me.

I try and educate on friends and family without being overbearing about safety.

But when I’m at work and working a 911 on the side of the road, I’m more likely to get hit by a driver that is looking at the crash and not at myself, my partner, or the firefighters around us. We try and keep an eye out for everyone around us working that wreck. We all want to go home at the end of the day. Please pay attention when on the roads.

As for me, I see both sides of the road. The personal vehicle and the emergency side.

I see both sides of the road.