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Drivers Ed Online – There Are No Accidents

Name: Mary Davenport
From: Downers Grove, Illinois
Votes: 0

There Are No Accidents

There are no accidents. There are only crashes. Someone is always at fault.

This is a key lesson my drivers ed teacher taught me. Students who learn this have a looming fear whenever they take their seat behind the wheel: the fear of being in — or even causing — a crash.

Fear, however, incites responsibility.

Drivers ed is essential in preparing teenagers for the responsibility that accompanies a license. By letting students grow more confident in their driving abilities yet reminding them of the dangers, drivers ed succeeds in keeping drivers uncomfortable and on edge. Driving should be mentally taxing. Being uncomfortable keeps people from getting distracted and losing focus. Just as a class in school requires all of one’s attention, so does driving; hence, drivers ed deserves to be treated as seriously as any other high school level class. Because the curriculum of drivers ed includes time in the classroom and behind the wheel, students are well-rounded and more knowledgeable about the responsibilities they hold.

The chances of a crash occurring increases as the driver loses focus on the most important goal: getting from Point A to Point B safely.

Comfortability and a forgotten responsibility as drivers spend more time on the road are the origins of car related deaths. Texting and driving, speeding, and tailgating are just a few examples of people taking more risks because they feel relaxed. To avoid crashes, adults must be reminded of their days in drivers ed where they learned how to be uncomfortable and responsible. Just as lifeguards need to be recertified every two years, drivers should be required to be refreshed on drivers ed. In both situations, lives are at risk. Something as simple as a short video every few years can effectively remind drivers of their obligations and the dangers they face each time they sit down behind the wheel. Forcing accountability stops people from driving recklessly. If someone must always be at fault, people will go to great lengths to ensure that it is not them.

Being a newly licensed driver, the lessons learned in drivers ed are still fresh in my mind, and I don’t want to forget. Having conversations on this topic keeps everyone attentive to their driving, and an attentive driver is a safe driver.