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Drivers Ed Online – Bad Driving Kills

Name: Stephanie Degnore
From: Newton, MA
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Bad Driving Kills

Bad Driving Kills

Every year, approximately 1.25 million people are killed from automotive-related accidents. This is an astounding number, the equivalent of some city populations. Driving safely is important not only for oneself but also for their fellow drivers. People driving under the influence, texting while driving, etc. may not only get into legal trouble, they may also kill themselves and others. In order to reduce the number of deaths on the road, people should focus on practicing safe driving. This includes paying attention to road signs, driving in a stable condition, and looking both ways before turning. By taking drivers ed, people may better practice these vital principles. As someone who has been in several car accidents, I have seen the ramifications of unsafe driving first hand. Once, I was crossing the road when it said to WALK, but the incoming driver did not look at the red stop light, and I was hit. This put myself, a pedestrian, in harm’s way. Additionally, one must be careful of other drivers. Another time, my parents were driving within the white lines when they were hit by a car that crossed from another lane. As such, it is important to look out for other drivers in case they don’t uphold proper driving etiquette. You can take a number of steps to make yourself a better driver. First of all, it is important not to drive under any outside influence and to give your undivided attention to the road ahead of you. As such, it is important not to consume alcohol, text while driving, or turn your head and look at others in the car. Additionally, you must pay attention to the road signs, as they often provide important information to ensure your safety. In addition to looking out for other drivers, it is important, as a driver, to make your intentions clear, for instance by turning on your turn signal before turning as to avoid collision with another car. In following these rules, one may make the road safer for themselves and others around them.