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Drivers Ed Online – A privilege

Name: Wendy Caldwell
From: Marion, Indiana
Votes: 1

A privilege



14, 2020

Drivers ed
provides an explanation of the proper and legal accountabilities of
operating a motor vehicle safely. The first thing that an individual
needs to understand is that driving is a privilege, which can be
taken away at any time. Once that mindset is established, the driver
education course will have a much stronger impact. A responsible
person, armed with the understanding of the reasoning and
consequences of their actions behind the wheel of a vehicle, will
make better decisions which will result in reducing the driver errors
and subsequent deaths.

As with any
educational opportunity, it is critical to establish a rapport of
trust in order to successfully relate to your audience. They need to
trust that the information is nonjudgmental and in their best
interest. For the most part, the drivers ed programs are
geared to the youth of our society. The most effective approach for
youths is to show them the honest consequences of their actions, in
person when possible. One of the most effective trainings that I
remember seeing in person, is the mangled wreckage from a teenage
drunk driving accident, along with the statistics that everyone
involved died. It hit an emotional cord with me. It reminded me of
the accident that I was involved in as a youth. The roads were icy,
and my teenage friend was driving carelessly. He lost control of the
car and we collided with another vehicle head on. I was injured in
the accident and it devastated him. Fortunately, my friend learned a
valuable lesson early and became a much better driver.

The best way for
me to demonstrate safe and responsible driving is by example. I
believe strongly in eliminating all distractions while driving; no
electronic devices (cell phone, tablet, etc.), no eating, and no
emotionally driven conversations with passengers. Avoid anything
that takes my mind or vision off the road. Allow myself plenty of
time to get where I need to be to avoid rushing, speeding, or
careless driving. Utilize all the safety equipment that came with
the vehicle; seat belts, head lights, and turn signals. Provide
plenty of room between my vehicle and the one ahead of me. Most
importantly is to have patience with other drivers and road
conditions. These simple steps are proactive measures that will help
prevent a catastrophic event.