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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Awareness For Driving

Name: Victoria DeBard
From: Aberdeen, WA
Votes: 0

The Importance of Awareness For Driving

The Importance of Awareness For Driving:

Driving is a cool yet dangerous part of our every day lives. Hundreds of thousands of people die every year due to a car crash. That is why people need to take drivers ed to become aware of the dangers on the road. Yes, drivers ed is a requirement, however, there are plenty of people that drive illegally. These people are the most dangerous on the roads because they are not aware of the potential risks on the road. In the almost two years I have been driving, there have been plenty of times I almost got in a crash and the reason why these crashes almost happened is because either me or the other driver had lack of awareness. I have learned from these mistakes and constantly take action to prevent me from making the same mistakes again. Being aware of the dangers on the road is the first step to reduce the number of deaths but it is still not enough. The number one reason people die on the road is because of people being on their phones and not paying attention to the road. I know personally, I do not like listening to the radio, instead I turn on Spotify and play my own music right before I leave. Another thing I do to ensure that I am not on my phone while I am driving is if I am texting someone I either tell them that I am going to be driving so the conversation can wait or I call them and put them on speaker and put my phone in a cup holder. If more people did the same thing the roads would be automatically safer.