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Drivers Ed Online – Cautious!

Name: Richard F Lorenzo
From: Oakland, California
Votes: 0


Richard Lorenzo

May 7,2020

There are many
things we are responsible for as citizens in any city. A big one of
them is Driving which should never be taken lightly. Ranging ages
from 16-18 when teenagers are obtaining their driving permit or
license, this is where the real teaching should be done about
driving. Of course like any teenager we all at those ages wanted to
start driving and get on the road and do what we saw actors do
throughout all the movies we’ve watched. We all want to be “set
free” but there are certain regulations that have to be followed
and yes we have our driver license test which helps us to study but
most memorize it just to pass and within a week half of that
information obtained is gone. Parents I feel play a big role in the
prevention of deaths or automobile accidents because they should help
out their children and stick through various sessions of driving time
with their children before setting them off free. A license does not
guarantee a safe driver. We all have to be more knowledgeable of the
laws we have to follow while on the road. I would say studying and
revisiting the DMV driving booklet every 6 months is adequate enough
to refresh our minds on the laws of the road. Also being aware at all
times on the way we are driving our vehicles. We are aware when we do
a bad turn, forget our turn signals, speed through a changing traffic
light. Just double checking ourselves all the time is best to prevent
harm to ourselves and others. As for myself I always try to drive
cautiously no matter the time and place I am in. I have been in an
accident where I was the victim who got hit from the driver’s side by
a vehicle who ran a stop sign. It was a traumatic experience for me
and that happened to me early on in my driving career. I was on my
way to the grocery store with my father and everything was going
fine, we were 2 minutes away from our destination. I reached a 4 way
intersection with stop signs in every direction since it was a
residential area. I proceeded after waiting an adequate amount of
time at the stop sign. As I am crossing the stop sign I turn and at
full speed out of nowhere I see a vehicle coming straight to me, with
no intention to brake. He ran the stop sign and hit me from the
drivers side. From there the vehicle spun out and when it came to a
complete stop I reacted quickly!. My door was jammed and there was no
way out, only though the passenger’s side where my father was
sitting. He was in complete shock!I had to shake him a little to snap
out of it and told him we needed to get out of the vehicle. We did
and luckily none of us got seriously hurt. It was more of a mental
trauma for me because from that moment on it took me a while to not
be frightened at an intersection and I would always triple check
before merging in any intersection. It was a big traumatic experience
for me and although it wasn’t great it really did show me to be a
cautious driver from that point forward. For me what works best now
to be a better driver, is to always be aware of my surroundings. If i
see someone behind me speeding or driving reckless i tend to merge to
further away lanes to not be in the path of danger. Also maintaining
proper distance with other vehicles helps me out a lot!. Just in case
someone in front or behind me breaks hard I have enough space to
properly react. There is no perfect driver because taking too much
precaution and taking too little precaution can cause harm to both
types of drivers. The best way is to feel and be properly prepared
before igniting the ignition on your vehicle before hitting the road.
Always drive as if your loved one is in your car or the cars around