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Drivers Ed Online – Cautious Driving

Name: Andreya L Fletcher
From: Cheney , Washington
Votes: 0

Cautious Driving

Andreya Fletcher

[email protected]


2020 Drivers ed Essay

The importance of drivers ed in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is to make people aware of how to drive safety, what can cause a wreck and how to follow the rules of the road correctly. Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to properly educate people on the effects of distracted driving, how to properly handle different situations under different conditions while driving, and offer a class aside from drivers ed, showing true visuals of what could happen when you do not follow correct driving procedures or you are not aware of your surroundings. I have personally been in a car accident. It was on a very dark curvy road, and the person who I got in the accident with was parked in the middle of the road at a complete stop with no flashers or lights on to indicate that they were there. The accident as a whole could have been avoided if that person was practicing correct driving and parking procedures. The consequences of that accident were both cars were totaled, and I suffered a severe concussion for several months. The steps I have taken to be a better and safer driver is to be more cautious of my surroundings and always be scanning the road. Since being in a car accident I have become a much calmer and safer driver. I have helped others became safer on the road by sharing my story of the accident and explaining why it is so important to be cautious on the road at all times because you never know what could happen.