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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Safe Driving with Driver’s Education

Name: Rihana Hasham
From: Lawrenceville, Georgia
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving with Drivers Ed

Importance of Safe Driving with Drivers ed

Education is a program designed to help better educate teens on the
rules and regulations of driving in order to make them safe drivers.
Many teens usually feel like they are being forced into taking
drivers ed classes by their parents or are required to take
them at 16 if obtaining a license at that age. While this seems to be
a meaningless task to many, what these teens don’t realize is that
the learning material incorporated into the drivers ed
program is a way for new drivers to successfully avoid dangerous
situations on the road. By educating new drivers, many deaths are
being prevented from serious car accidents. These new drivers are
more prepared to avoid collisions and are also more inclined to
follow driving regulations. Drivers ed makes it clear that
learning to drive is not something to take lightly. As a previous
member of the course, I know for a fact that they highlight some
important tips on how to avoid collisions and prevent death on the
road. The number one step that is repeated is to always wear your
seatbelt. This is one of the biggest factors in preventing deaths in
car accidents. Everyone should also follow the speed limit and avoid
speeding. Collisions are way more impactful when a person is
speeding, and can oftentimes lead to instant death. By following the
speed limits, we can prevent harm to not only ourselves, but also to
others. Another step that is very important is making sure to follow
all road signs. Many people like to ignore road signs posted
(specifically stop signs), and this can lead to severe car accidents.
Again, if everyone followed the specific rules of the road, including
road signs, driving would occur more smoothly with fewer accident
occurrences. I have seen the repercussions of not following the rules
of the road. Many times my friends have run red lights in order to
get to their destination faster. They feel that nothing will happen
to them, and they can beat the oncoming cars. However, one of my
friends recently ran a red light and was not able to make it to the
other side in time. An oncoming car hit her and she suffered from
serious injuries. We can avoid these traumatic experiences by simply
following the rules and becoming better educated on driving. This is
why Drivers ed is an essential component to the learning of
new drivers. I know for a fact that if I go by the speed limit, wear
my seatbelt, and follow the road signs, I will be avoiding any
dangerous collisions. Not only this, but I will be a role model to my
younger sister who will start driving soon, and I know she will
follow all of the rules just as I do. Being able to prevent the death
of another is something that we should all be striving for, so why
not start with driving?