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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Carson Dean Schanilec
From: Reedsville, WI
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

The Importance of Safe Driving

I believe that drivers ed courses are super important in reducing the amount of deaths caused by vehicle accidents. Drivers ed is where new drivers first learn every little thing about driving and a major thing that I learned when I went through the course is the importance of being safe while on the road. I know so many students that think that drivers ed is just a waste of time but in all reality, it is probably one of the most important classes you’ll take in high school. I think high schools and outside drivers ed classes should better emphasize how important this course is for reducing the amount of vehicle crashes and deaths. As a future law enforcer, I believe that an important step that we can take in reducing deaths in vehicle accidents is have more police officers out on the road. We need officers to enforce the laws more strictly and I think there will be less accidents. Two of the more broken laws while driving is speeding and texting while driving. If there would be more officers on the job, I believe that less people will do these very dangerous acts. I have been in one car accident in my three and a half years of driving, and it was on the first day that I had my license. It was snowing bad and I was going home, and I was going way too fast for conditions and I slid off the road and went into the ditch and hit a sign. It was very scary and to this day, I am still very cautious when driving in snow because that event scared me a lot. That accident taught me many things including making sure I drive the right speed when conditions are unsafe, making sure the vehicle I am driving can perform the way I want it to while driving it, and listening to my parents when they tell me that there is going to be a bad snow storm and I probably should not drive. My sister was also in an accident that was way more life threatening than mine was. She was driving down a backroad and the road was hilly, and she pulled up her phone to look at a text and she rolled her car four times while her best friend was in the car. Neither of them was wearing their seatbelts either and my sister got ejected and got thrown into a field about thirty yards. Both her and her friend both came out of that accident with minimal injuries. But that just proves how lucky they are, and it showed me the dangers of texting and driving in person and made me never want to do it. When I get in the car I use my phone to listen to music but I just put the music on shuffle and let it play and I will not look at it at all while I am driving.

Carson Schanilec