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Drivers Ed Online – Driving Safe

Name: Haia Ku
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Driving Safe

Drivers ed

In drivers ed they not only teach you the basics of driving and how to operate a vehicle but they also show you the many things that had gone wrong such as car accidents and deaths when not driving safely. The class may show some graphic pictures that were taken after certain car accidents, that to me were really terrifying. It is so important to have a drivers ed class to show and explain to the students the risk and damage one could get into. A few steps that could be taken before operating a vehicle and to reduce deaths would be to one make sure everyone is buckled up, two make sure the driver is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, always have a designated driver and make sure that the driver is completely focus without distractions such as cell phone. My family and I have never been in a car accident, but they continuously remind me how dangerous it is to drive. They use the term that the vehicle is basically a killing machine and could kill instantly which is why we need to be very careful while we are operating it. A few steps that I take to become a better driver that could also help others be a safer driver is to know the amount of responsibility you have as a driver. The driver, especially with others in the car is taking on the responsibility to make sure that everyone gets to the destination safely. I also think that having a mindset to never be in a rush and that you are never late will increase the probability of getting there safely.The most important thing to remember is safety, that you yourself is safe and that the people around you are as well.