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Drivers Ed Online – Distracted Driving Awareness

Name: Clarel Algere
From: Platteville, WI
Votes: 0

Distracted Driving Awareness

Clarel Algere

615 S Chestnut St

Platteville, WI 53818


[email protected]

Student ID: 157930734

Major: Industrial Engineering

Institution: University of Wisconsin-Platteville

GPA: 3.3

Distracted Driving Awareness

I think texting, playing music and drunk driving used to be the most distractions that are killing and injuring people on the roads, especially pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists. Using Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram are the most distractions factors to driving accidents nowadays. When we people are driving while texting, taking selfies, making Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram videos and or drunk, we do not only put our own lives in danger, we also put others’ lives in danger. Drunk drivers usually ignore pedestrian signs and we don’t wait for pedestrians to cross before they proceed to the route and we don’t pay enough attention bicyclists and motorcyclists because we’re too distracted texting and or using our phone to take pictures for Instagram, Snapchat or doing TikTok to give them enough space to keep them safe. When I am drunk and texting, it’s impossible to pay full attention to the road because I have to look at my phone constantly. I lose full control and focus, and I am too distracted to drive safely. When I lose focus and get distracted by my phone, the result may end up hitting a motorcyclist or someone else’s car on the high way. If I am driving in the city, I may run a red-light and end up killing someone or many people. When you’re driving drunk, you’re intoxicated and under the influence, you don’t really know what you’re doing because the alcohol affects your brain and you cannot think properly. The result usually ends up being in a car crash or kill someone or people. My biggest worries are when others who practice safe driving become the victims of delinquent or negligent drivers because innocent people get killed in car crashes as well. The car accident victims are sometimes those who practice safe driving.

To find approximate car crashes numbers, I did some research and found out that approximately 52,000 people are killed on the nation’s highways, and 4 million are injured per year. The cost of these crashes approached $182 billion in 2020 alone. Every day, almost 50 people in the United States die in texting and drunk-driving crashes. In Wisconsin alone, an average of one person was killed or injured in an alcohol-related crash every 2.9 hours on Wisconsin roadways. Alcohol-related crashes in Wisconsin accounted for 4.3% of all crashes.

To reduce the risk of getting into road accidents while driving, I personally will avoid texting, taking selfies, making snapchat, Tiktok and Instagram videos while driving and drinking at least 5 to 6 hours prior to driving. If I have to take a call, I will talk through the Bluetooth system in my car, so I can focus on the road. If I have to get home after drinking, I will call a lyft or Uber to get me home safely. That way, I will protect myself and others. I plan on spreading the news by talking to family members, friends and classmates about safe driving whenever I interact with them. I can also talk to other students during events on campus to share tips with them about safe driving and they can spread my ideas with others. I believe the government can implement some rules and change some driving laws to improve safety driving for everyone. I would start from the beginning. To get the learning permit I think the DMV should include questions on safety driving. People who are learning to drive should study about how to drive safely. When people study about safety driving tips, they will be more aware of them. To get your driver license, I think the DVM should also make people take an oral test on alcohol to get their license. Driving is not just about how to operate a vehicle. Knowing what not do while driving and the consequences should improve safe driving in our roads.

I think the government should work with the cellphone companies that prevent someone from texting while driving. Also, I think our cars should have a system that detect the smell of alcohol and drugs. When someone is intoxicating or under the influence, they would not be able to start their car to take the roads. Inventing apps or systems that prevent people from driving while drunk and may be too challenging or pricy. I think the government should make the laws more severe to punish anyone who is driving under the influence. When a crash occurs, I think authorities should investigate the person or people at fault to find out if the driver or drivers were driving while drunk. If alcohol was the reason the crash occurred, I think authorities should revoke the driver license immediately. In order to get the license back, the driver or drivers should take a safety class for about a month to learn how to practice safe driving. I know not everyone will do what the law says, but we can definitely improve road safety for everyone. By doing that, less people will die from car crashes every year and we will create a safer environment for ourselves and everyone else.

Thanks for your consideration for this scholarship. I hope to hear back from you.


Clarel Algere