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Drivers Ed Online – Think Twice, Save a Life

Name: Micaela K Ceraso
From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

Think Twice, Save a Life

Think Twice, Save a Life

In life, there is many milestones that one goes through before becoming a young adult; one is obtaining a driver’s license. This is major in that it requires maturity, knowledge and extended education about drivers safety and what an inexperienced, new driver must prepare for.

The importance of driver’s ed in reducing the number of deaths behind the wheel is highlighted consistently. As time goes on, technology advances daily which is a cause of concern for those on the road. As much as some may follow the law, others may not. The important part is to always be a defensive driver with the assumption that not everybody has the same intentions. There’s many actions to take to prevent deaths related to driving. First, put the phone down, take off the Apple Watch, and stop fiddling with the radio. Technology being as advanced as it is allows for people to develop an impatient driving habit when going from one destination to the next. Although there’s downsides to the advancement of newer technology, there’s positive options too. Luckily, bluetooth audio is available for hands-free driving, as well as activating “Do Not Disturb” when the phone is connected to the car. Automated messages can be turned on if the driver chooses, like “I’m driving, I will get back to you soon,” or custom messages that goes out if a notification comes through.

Regrettably, when I was a freshman in high school, a well-known, involved senior, Nikki Kellenyi, died tragically in April of 2012 due to distracted driving. Nikki was in the passenger seat of her friend’s car when a T-bone collision occurred on the main road in the middle of the night. Nikki was 18 years old when she lost her life; her father, Mike Kellenyi, started a foundation not long after called PADD: People Against Distracted Driving, to help raise awareness about distractions behind the wheel. Another step to be taken is to drive sober or get pulled over! Driving under the influence is illegal and can be 100% prevented if people make the decision to call an Uber or have a designated driver.

When I was 18 I was involved in a T-bone car accident. I was going through a green light when the opposing driver tried to turn and beat me before I crossed the intersection. Luckily, the rearer end of my car took the most damage and I walked away with only seatbelt bruises. If I did not have it on, my injuries could have been worse. Though I was not at fault, I still take extra preventative measures with speed limits especially when approaching an active intersection. If everyone was always attentive, accident rates would be lower!

Society is always finding methods for us to become better drivers and to make sure everyone’s experience is safe as possible. Not being occupied or under the influence, always being aware of surroundings, and taking extra measures as a defensive driver will help ensure the highest form of safety for all.

People Against Distracted Driving (PADD) website:; “Education, Awareness and Support.”