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Drivers Ed Online – Drive for Yourself And Others

Name: Su Kim
From: La crescenta, CA
Votes: 0

Drive for Yourself And Others

Driving has become such an important aspect to everyday life and commuting for students and many adults alike. The importance of being aware of yourself and of others when driving will greatly prevent any dangerous scenarios on the road. Many individuals experience car accidents and or sadly die as a result of people not paying attention to the road as well as making the 2nd worst decision at the wrong time. Decisions are so critical in the wrong moments because one small mishap will create the biggest mistakes. The number of deaths that correlate with car accidents is not simply a statistic but a huge concern. Many young adults, who are responsible for a majority of accidents and deaths, are so unaware of their surroundings and distracted by their digital devices that it proves to be another obstacle as well. The simple reason to see a text, change the songs, and call someone may be the reason why accidents are happening. In an age where technology goes hand in hand with driving experiences, it is also why those numbers are going up again.

I can personally give a voice as I have experienced irresponsible behaviors from my friends, family, and even myself at times. I have adopted a stern mentality to not text and drive because it is so dangerous of an idea. Though, my friends have always been caught up with the idea to reply to texts and use their phones while driving. It makes me always concerned as the safety of my own life is at stake too. I have always made sure to tell them to put their phone away and pay attention to the road as well.

Essentially, the best way for people to prevent deaths and car accidents is to make sure to be aware of their surroundings and put all distractions away. Many car and tech industries are working together to prevent such results as they develop do not disturb modes for driving, voice activation, and bluetooth technology. I think that people should utilize those helpful tools to their capabilities when driving so that they will prevent any dangerous scenarios. The safety of yourself should outweigh the benefits of a text or call. I hope everyone will realize that and make sure to drive safely with goals to one day drive their children in the future safely as well.