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Drivers Ed Online – Dangerous Driving: Deadly Decision

Name: Jonea Balmonte
From: Fort Hood, Texas
Votes: 0

Dangerous Driving: Deadly Decision

Every year, the number of driving-related deaths increases, while the driving knowledge of many younger individuals decreases. Many people, especially teenagers, make their way on to the road with the false belief that because they have passed their state’s mandated driving course and test, they have the best driving skills needed to be good on the road. In reality, driving is a long-term skill that is nearly perfected by practice, knowledge, and caution. Drivers ed is the first and most important step in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. It is the basis for which students and individuals can learn about the rules of the road and the implications of unsafe driving. When people are more educated about the correct ways to drive, they are more likely to drive safely.

DMVs can tighten their restrictions and requirements for individuals to acquire their driver’s license. Even though it may make it harder for people to obtain their license, it will ensure that people with better knowledge and skills are on the road as opposed to those with a limited view on proper driving. It will push people to study the rules of the road more and take it seriously that way they can pass their driver’s test deservingly.

Although I have not been in an actual car accident before, I have seen one happen right in front of my eyes and have been in the car with an irresponsible driver. A few years ago, my family and I were waiting at a red stoplight when a van and truck collided. The driver of the truck was not paying attention to the stoplight on his side that said he could not make a left turn. That incident has traumatized me since then and has made me look at driving differently. Often times, I catch my friends glancing at their phones while driving, and trying to multitask such as eating at the same time. It makes me anxious because anything can happen in a split second.

The steps I can take to be a better and safer driver are to silence my phone, and put it in an uneasy to reach place. This way, I am less tempted to check my phone when I receive notifications. I can also make sure to follow speed limits, give myself enough time to reach my destination, and not feel pressured to take chances by other drivers. Sometimes I notice people bypass me although I am going the speed limit, and it tempts me to pick up my speed because I feel like I am going too slow for them. However, if I follow the rules and do what is right, I can avoid dangerous mistakes and accidents. If I am in the car with someone else who is driving irresponsibly, I can remind them to take driving more serious by not being on their phones or doing distracting activities. A text can be made up for later but a life cannot.