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Drivers Ed Online – Change The Inevitable To Evitable

Name: Cassandra Tom
From: Short Hills, NJ
Votes: 1

Change The Inevitable To Evitable

Cassandra Tom

DMV – Change The Inevitable To Evitable

A few years ago I was at a volleyball open gym. In the middle, I took a water break and checked my phone. On the screen, I received a text from my father saying that “mom has been in a car accident”. Immediately distraught, I wasted no time packing up my gym bag, and ran home!

I learned that she was making a right turn on a busy intersection when a SUV ran a red light and smashed into my mom’s passenger side. Thankfully, no one else was in the car with her at the time. My mom’s car spun all the way around and missed a steel support column by mere inches. Both cars were wrecked into almost unrecognizable condition. Thankfully, my mother walked away from this horrific accident. Mom’s accident left such an indelible mark on me that when it came time for me to take part in Drivers ed, I fully appreciated the importance of this course.

From day one, our instructor impressed upon us the non-negotiable discipline of NEVER texting and driving, and NEVER running a red light- EVER! A few kids chuckled as I wrote down the rules, but I understood personally, these crucial cautions all too well. When we hear Drivers ed, some of us roll our eyes; however, I’m amazed at the information we learn in this class. It is astounding and saddening how high the number of reckless drivers there are who practice distracted and drunk driving. That is exactly why we need Drivers ed!

Every time we leave the house, we must drive safely so it won’t be the last time we leave home. I will never forget my instructor’s words, “don’t let your one action become someone else’s last action”. All students should participate in drivers ed because it will greatly reduce the number of driving related deaths. Precautions and steps that reduce risk of potential fatal incidents include being observant, following traffic signals, getting enough rest, being sober, understanding irreparable damages that may result from reckless driving. Every driver has a family or friend who loves him / her. The pain and sorrow from accidental deaths can never be reversed.

As distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car crashes, some steps to prevent accidents include: Have the cell phone within reach, but out of sight, when using GPS turn off the notifications, don’t get behind the wheel when fatigued, secure pets away from the driver area. If every driver can practice these safety tips, the roads would be immensely safer for everyone.

I am eternally grateful that my mother and the other driver did not suffer serious injuries. And it still gives me the chills that in a split second, my sister and I could have become motherless teenagers, and my dad a widower. I hope I have conveyed the importance of Drivers ed. In fact, I wish it were not a course that we only take once in a lifetime.