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Drivers Ed Online – From the Back Seat to the Drivers Seat

Name: Maxamillion Jean-Philippe
From: New York, NY
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From the Back Seat to the Drivers Seat

My name is Maxamillion, Max short. For as long as I could remember I have spent a great portion of my days in the backseat of my parent’s car. From the car seat, to the front seat passenger & now to the driver’s seat I have always felt a level of responsibility for safety of people in & out of the car. I think drivers ed should start at a really young age. I’ve witnessed my parents buy items to keep me & my siblings entertained while they drive but in all actuality those toys / games which intended to sooth & keep up occupied play a major part in distracting them drive.

Drivers ed should start with child age appropriate videos to possibly encourage young children of the importance of mom & dad being focused. I was always very guilty of tossing something to the front of the car to get someone’s attention. As a child I may have found it amusing but as I look back it I see where this was very irresponsible behavior on my part. Now as a teen I feel that drivers ed should be reintroduced into the school system. Living in NYC & being a high school senior, my expectation would be to drive very soon. Drivers ed should be mandatory in school because as a young adult we have peers that may have cars & it may be tempting to jump in the driver’s seat without knowledge of driving which may lead to a disastrous outcome.

Defensive driving courses should not be limited to current license holders. Those programs should be formatted to adjust to each level of driving stages. The pre-driver which would consist of High School juniors & seniors. Post drivers, once your license has been obtained & periodic testing.

Also testing should not be limited to online, there is a strong need for in class training especially for drivers that already have serious moving infractions on their licenses.

Fortunately, I have not been in a car accident and can say the same for my loved ones but drivers ed should be an ongoing process.