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Drivers Ed Online – Distracted Driving Education

Name: Tavien Kordell Brandon-Tigg
From: Smyrna , Tennessee
Votes: 0

Distracted Driving Education

education is now more important than ever. There are so many ways now
that people, especially teens, can easily get distracted. It
is estimated that 1.6 million phone related car crashes
every year. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States
is cause by cell phones. For these reasons, it is very vital for
drivers ed to keep these fatalities from occurring.
Steps that can be taken to prevent so many accidents could be
something like heavier fines for someone caught distracted
driving. Also, some things drivers can do is put anything object that
can distract you while driving, in the backseat or in the glove
box completely out of reach and sight. I personally haven’t been in
a car accident before but, I have had friends and family
involved in one before because of irresponsible driving. The steps I
can take as a driver to be safer for everyone on the road is to go
the speed limit, put away all distractions, and turn the music down
to hear any oncoming vehicles that I need to be aware of.